May 31, 2010

Network Marketing - A New Permutation

I was invited to sit through a business presentation with a dear friend recently.  Much to our dismay, it was a network marketing sales pitch.

It was the usual opening gambit. A rundown of the current economic scenario, a re-jigged slide on Robert Kiyosaki's Cashflow Quadrant, the benefits of working for yourself...blah, blah, blah.

We just stopped the poor guy mid-sentence and told him that network marketing was not for us. To his credit, he persisted in trying to convince us of the errors of our ways (which were for naught, as we remained unconvinced).

May 27, 2010

Suicide in the Workplace

10th suspected suicide at Foxconn based in China, the people who make the iPhones for Apple. Read more here.

The reasons cited were work ethics, managerial practices and poor salaries.  Not to sound insensitive, but it just all seem so familiar.

There was a time when I used to envy the Americans or pretty much anyone who works in Europe, North America, Australia or New Zealand. I envied them coz' for their normal working hours. Those days, I used to think 'Gee, wouldn't it be nice to knock off at 5pm and go for a drink or two with your office buddies.'.

May 26, 2010

Going Crazy over POS Displays

There's so many ways to communicate to the consumer or customer.  Digital or social media is one of the new ways. Print Ads or TV commercials are part of the old way.

Today, I'm gonna write about those point-of-sale (POS) displays, the ones that you find in supermarkets.  

I think all those POS people are being too overzealous that they're constantly thinking up new ways to maximise advertising on supermarket space to the point where they no longer question whether these new ad units really work or not.

May 24, 2010

Big Brother in the Office - Good or Bad?

Sigh. I'm being blocked. I can't view any games sites in the office. And judging from this article, being spied on is not just about being blocked from certain sites.

I can understand employers' paranoia about keeping the lid on company secrets. Especially in such competitive times, who wouldn't want to keep their cards close to their chests?

But is it going overboard?