May 3, 2011

Loyalty in the Workplace

Read this article in the New York Times. It talks about how not many are staying loyal to their workplace. Seems aptly timed considering that it's the season of job-hopping here in Malaysia.

I always say that people leave their jobs because they are unhappy. Unhappy about the pay, unhappy about the workload, unhappy about the people...the list goes on. I mean, honestly, who in heck leaves their job, happy?

And I also always say that a job is an exercise in democracy. If you stayed with a job, it's coz' you "voted" for the company. That is, you're happy with the direction it's taking, you're happy with what it's doing, you're happy with what is in place.

But if you are leaving a job, it's coz' you "voted" against the company. You're unhappy with the pay, the powers that be, the people etc. etc. etc.

I see parallels of this with CRM. The very premise of CRM is to keep your existing customers happy. Happy so that they'll stay loyal with your brand. Happy so that they'll continue to buy your products or maybe buy even more of your products.