Apr 23, 2009

A Conundrum

I have spent the last few weeks….studying. Studying the following :
  • What sort of Internet business should I get into?
  • What sort of knowledge should I accumulate to enable running such a business? 
  • What are the various methods out there that the experts (i.e. successful Net-preneurs) have used?
It has been intense and yet, has given me a conundrum. Several, actually.

First, in a nutshell.
  1. Create the right product 
  2. Make an irresistible offer 
  3. Find a thirsty crowd 
  4. Sell the 2nd, 3rd, 4th glass 
Thank you , Mark Joyner for your books. Makes sense. But something needs to happen between nos. 2 and 3 to make the plan work.

And that’s where the conundrum comes into play. I have read zillions of eBooks and subscribed to zillions of newsletters (which for most, I’ve immediately unsubscribed to after the first few emails).

  • They’re all saying and doing the same things. 
  • They all offer free stuff at the onset in order to get your details. 
  • They all offer a sexier and pricier 2nd glass 
  • They all seem to portray themselves as credible (whether they’ve been millionaires for years, zillions of testimonies, kick-ass product guarantees, blah blah blah) 
  • They all use the same selling techniques - kick-ass sales letters, One-Time-Only offers, autoresponders, even right down to the prices (the rule of 7s & 9s are extensively used everywhere) 

So, here’s the thing. If everyone is selling similar products and using the same selling techniques, how on earth do they really get rich?

What I’ve noticed is that those who have made it, are, for the most part, veterans in the industry. Since it’s the Net we’re talking about, a veteran means having been in the industry more than 2 years. And in cyberspace, that is a long time.

People like Mark Joyner, Yanik Silver, the late Corey Rudl, Mike Dillard etc. These guys have been around. And they make their money by teaching people the techniques that they’ve used to make money. Seems honourable, noble even.

But what has happened is precisely like what’s happening in our education system. Like grad schools. Everybody has different opinions about which curriculum is better, Harvard or Yale. Or Oxford. Or INSEAD or Wharton. At the same time you have the state and the community colleges. And the curriculum is pretty much the same, except maybe that a degree from a community college may not be as sexy as a Harvard degree.

So, ‘professors’ like those guys I mentioned will continue to make more money, coz’ they have way better creds and therefore are able to sell their knowledge better, and those who followed their ‘curriculum’ will continue to struggle.

Don’t get me wrong. I have learned tonnes from these guys. Heck, I bought from these guys. I am deeply grateful for what I’ve learned.

It’s just that I’ve also had traditional education too. My mom threatened me when I was a kid. She said, “If you don’t want to end up working in a factory, you’d better study hard in school.” She was right. So, I went to school and got my Business degree. And I’ve toiled those 16-hour days and I did earn good money.

And I’m learning again. From different teachers who teach the same thing. From the famous dudes to the “nobodies” (i.e. those who have not turned up yet on Warrior Forum search).

The studying continues…….(Sorry, this post is turning into a rant)… :)


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