Apr 4, 2009

There is no easy way out.

There is no easy way out to making money. We all know that a 9-to-5 job is hard work.

But what about other alternatives? There’s plenty of other opportunities of making money. But what it all boils down to is that in order to get money, somebody else has to give money.And in order for anyone to part with their money in order to give it to you, they must get something valuable in return for that exchange. That “something valuable” can be in the form of a product or service or knowledge.

That is the very essence of business.

Before you jump into any of those “get-rich” schemes on the net, where you fork out RM50 so that you can get that “system” that’ll help you make more money with minimum effort (i.e. spend only a few hours a week, sit back and enjoy the dough coming in), ask yourself this question. “What is minimum effort?”

Go back even further. How did you find out about that scheme in the first place? Probably through any of the following :
  1. Email – You probably received one of those emails that tells you of this fantastic opportunity to make money with minimum effort
  2. Search – You probably Googled “work from home” or “home-based jobs” or other keywords
  3. Online Ads – The ones that you see on Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo or mudah.com or eBay or countless other websites or blogs or forums you visited.
  4. Flyers – Those leaflets that you get in your home mailbox.
  5. Newspaper ads – This is self-explanatory.
  6. Blog posts – You probably read someone’s blog post that mentioned this opportunity
  7. Video – You probably saw a video on someone’s website/blog or on YouTube, Vimeo etc.
  8. SMS – This is rare but possibly you got an SMS on this too.
  9. Word of mouth – You could’ve heard about it from someone.
Chances are you may have found out about it in more ways than one.

That’s a lot of ways to get your attention. And the above does require some “effort”, whether it be time or money or both. So, if you do consider to partake in that “scheme”, you’d probably need to do some of the above coz’ how else are you gonna let that someone else know about this “scheme” so that they can also take part and give you the money?

Let me repeat. There is no easy way out.

The moment you started thinking about making easy money, you are already in the market for such schemes. That’s why you did that Google search or clicked on that online ad or viewed that video or visited that URL on that flyer.

It’s not those guys’ fault. They are basically putting in the effort to get your attention. The methods that they used (as described above) are not wrong. That is advertising, that is marketing. There is no fault in using those methods. Heck, I use those methods (although not all of them).

The problem here is that you are in the market for the wrong thing.

Consider this scenario. You signed up and you parted with your RM50. You’d probably get your own website and probably some e-books on how to advertise/market your website. Now, you can only make money if someone signed up on your website and parted with his/her RM50. And that someone will only make money if some other person signed up on his/her website.

What I’ve just described to you is MLM or network marketing. This is not wrong. Robert Kiyosaki endorses this as you can see in my previous post.

What is wrong is the ‘what’ that you’re offering people out there in order to persuade them to part with their RM50. What is the ‘what’? Is it a product or service or knowledge?

If there is no definitive answer, then it’s a scam. Unless you are completely unscrupulous and have no qualms conning people out of their money, then go ahead.

But network marketing or MLM is not some devil’s tool. With the right product or service that is of value, like health products, you can have a viable MLM or network marketing business without feeling guilty coz’ you’re not getting scammed when you got into the business and you’re not scamming anyone when you conduct your business.

So, there is no easy way out to making money. But there is a less hard way. Build your own business with the right product/service with the marketing tools and the guidance on how to use them. But that’s a whole other blog post.


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