Dec 13, 2009

The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or Anything Else) from the Inside Out - A Review

The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or Anything Else) From the Inside Out
This book is about clearly knowing what you want, ask for it from Infinite Intelligence/Universe/God and then, let it go. In a nutshell.

The part that I'm not entirely comfortable about is the clearly knowing part. I, for one, do not know for sure that what I want is really what I want. As humans, we have the unenviable ability to fool ourselves. We can have conversations with our inner selves until the cows come home, and we can still not arrive at a truthful outcome.
The book, while reading it, allows one to be filled with hope that the answers one is looking for are just in the next few pages. And that's how I felt.
Doing the exercises did allow for some insights about myself to be revealed or in a way, made real by the fact that I'm compelled to write down within the pages.
But once I put the book away, doubts come back. Are those things I wrote really what I want?
The other thing was that all these kind of books seem to say that our goals must be made more noble, that there should some allocations made for the good of society.
Here's the thing. I am not noble. And why should that make me feel bad to the point that I have to reconfigure my goals to fit into their definition of a noble goal?


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