Dec 13, 2009

The Pirate's Dilemma: How Youth Culture Is Reinventing Capitalism - A Review

The Pirate's Dilemma: How Youth Culture Is Reinventing Capitalism

Brilliant. Insightful. A great account of modern-day piracy. A clarion call for all to embrace the pirate within us. Mason makes the term 'pirate' cool.
The part I found most profound was how marketers nowadays are quickly latching on to the latest fad/'in-thing" as a way to connect with their consumers which I think is a terrible thing to do (and this coming from an ad person). That latest fad or craze could've have become part of modern culture but instead it becomes commercialized. Instead of endearing the brand to its target audience, it only succeeds in making itself look like someone who's trying too hard. And horror of horrors, not "real".

But the thing is, the marketers who've decided to take advantage of all those pirate-like fad/"in-thing" out there, are the same people who like them and probably doing those things themselves. So is it commercialization or merely a group of young marketers trying to connect with their peers, i.e. trying to sell something by way of communication that is currently, the accepted mode? 


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