Mar 5, 2010

The Buzz on Google Buzz

It's gonna be nearly a month since the Google Buzz was launched. And honestly, I haven't been using it much other than to tell people that I'm somehow automatically following that it ain't something I'll be looking into.

Why am I not jumping on to this?

I didn't know this was coming
What I found really strange was that even though I am a long time user of the Google search engine and Gmail, I don't remember seeing any messages whether via email or Ad Sense ads or text links telling me that this was coming.

Maybe there was some kind of communication but I probably missed it because it just wasn't compelling or interesting enough (and this coming from someone who's in the communication business).

Not many of my peeps are on this

It's nearly a month and the number of people following me or people I'm following remains stagnant. It's not like Facebook when every day, some friend or another comes on board.

I do not want know what my friends are saying to other people that I'm not even following

One thing I've noticed is that with Google Buzz, I can actually read a friend's conversation with another person who I do not know. They were discussing lunch appointments, for pity's sake!

This, to me, is lack of privacy and induces unhealthy voyeurism.

The UI is uninspiring and it seems too minimal?

As this is yet another foray into Social Media (after Wave and Orkut), you'd think Google would've come up with a better UI for Buzz. Talk about blah.

It's not inspiring enough for me to explore the service. Also, it's somehow incomplete. I would like to think that if anyone wants to come in and challenge Facebook, it's got to be at least, on par with the competitor.

I know that Google is a big fan of sharing (they have plans for open API and all that jazz) which is suppose to make things more exciting but right now it looks like the bright, beautiful future is very long way off.

Its habit of launching something experimental (which usually means half-baked services) with the hopes that it'll build up momentum in months to come, may not be gold this time. Chrome was different. To me, it is a superior web browser even though it wasn't exactly 100% complete at time of launch. With Buzz, it looks like it'll nose-dive before even take-off! Seems like wasting resources to me.

And that Twitter connection? It's not even 100%. What I Buzz will not be a Tweet. But what I Tweet will be a Buzz. Like, huh?!

It's not connected to Facebook

I'd like it to be. But do I really need it to be? Some have said that for Buzz to succeed, it should connect with Facebook.

But why? If I'm already using Facebook (and this because everyone I know is using it), why would I want to connect it with Google Buzz?

I would only consider that if Google Buzz's offering is far more superior than Facebook, which currently it simply is not.

I could very well be eating my words in a few months. That is, if Buzz does become successful. But I'm pretty sure I don't ever have to.


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