Apr 1, 2010

Facebook : 'Like' or 'Fan'?

Read an interesting article recently from World Advertising Resource Center (WARC) which reported that Facebook has decided to drop the 'fan' term from client ads on Facebook which would direct users to specific brand pages.

Instead they'll be using the term 'like' as they've found through research, that FB users are twice more likely to 'like' something than be a 'fan' of something.

You can read more about this article here.

I have mixed feelings about this.

Most of us FB users are more likely to click on that 'like' button each time we see something we fancy. But usually, it's because we like someone's update, video, picture or some other thing our friends put up. That's the keyword here. Our friends, meaning they're already our friends.

But will the 'like' function work on an FB ad? Even if ultimately, results do prove that the 'like' function works better than 'fan', what about the long term? The objective for this change is to help advertisers clock in more opt-ins to their pages. The end result of course, should be higher customer retention, more sales etc. Whether or not these pages do all this, well that's a different blog post.

Sure, more opt-ins become possible, but would these people who 'like' you be committed to receiving your messages? They can easily switch off your updates using the 'hide' button.

In the end, it's the message that counts. Will the messages or updates be welcomed by the people who 'like' you?

I think that somehow 'fan' is better as it shows some kind of commitment to be a fan of something. 'Like' seems so tenuous.  Being a 'fan' is little more like love than 'like'. And as a brand, you need to be loved than liked.


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