Apr 5, 2010

Twilight Video Game - A Lost Opportunity?

"Milk it for all its worth!"

The ideal situation to be in when you've got a winner in your hands. That's the ultimate business dream.

But does it always makes sense?

One writer is saying that Twilight the franchise is missing out on millions of moolah because they've yet to get into the video game scene. Check out his article here.

I don't agree. Twilight is essentially a love story, even though it's inter-species but a video game? What could the storyline be? Help Bella in her quest to be a vampire? It just doesn't work.

It's not like Harry Potter where there's tons of magical beings and magical people to make a game interesting. Harry had to kill off a bad guy. That itself is great video game storyline.

What would Bella have to do? The entire series is about her trying to snog a cute undead anyway, which does not make for an interesting premise for a video game.

If they had to make a video game, there has to be a storyline which would definitely deviate from the series. And in doing that, a lot of Twilighters are not gonna be too happy.

Maybe not a full blown video game like Harry Potter. If it's females that are the main target, games like Hidden Objects Game (HOGs) or those that involve some aspect of social networking would be a better fit. For more on female gaming demographics, read this.


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