In this one, the fiction gets even more fantastical (which I think is why there was less marketing theory; the author may be too caught up in the writing of the fiction part to include the marketing bits).
But as per The Marketing Code, he reiterates again the idea that marketing is not a science but more of an alchemy. And that word alone, evokes magic and fantasy which unsurprisingly does not sit well with the many marketing gurus out there who have made their millions in consultancy gigs and hawking those almost unreadable tomes on marketing theory filled with scientific formulas and statistical data.
Nevertheless, I think he still makes a good point. Alchemy and science are two sides of the same coin. The difference according to Brown, is that the former is all about getting a good break in. Luck or chance or what have you.
But here's the thing. While I agree that the textbook way marketing theory is presented needs a serious revamp, I don't see how fictional marketing thrillers such as this book could ever replace text books.
Sure it's fun and all that but I'm not really learning much from it.
Still, I look forward to the final book of this trilogy.
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