A fun analysis of that marketing behemoth Harry Potter.
Stephen Brown is fast becoming one of my favorite marketing writers. He has a humorous and engaging writing style. Loved it when he tried to use the Crucio curse on Seth Godin. Funny haha.
And yes, liked the gimmick of using a mirror to read one of the chapters. Interesting, but a pain and yet it was a marketing message in itself. If you liked something so much, you'd do almost anything for it. For marketers, that is the ultimate response to get out of their customers.
The message is not new. Harry Potter's success is ultimately because it is a great story. We humans are biologically drawn to the narrative. Many brands have lost their narratives in their quest for the consumer dollar.
But the thing is, building a story cannot be based on a step-by-step formula. Yes, it may seem that Harry Potter was constructed that way, but it was done intuitively.
And I don't think that JK Rowling envisioned Harry Potter to be the marketing giant that it is. Everything happened because opportunities presented itself and sound decisions were made. And the most important thing was that it had to feel right.
Now that, is how magic happens.
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