They all had the same message and of course, they were from the same agency.
But what the hey! I clicked on it and it led me to the following page.
Gee, I wonder what the camera looks like...but I was too lazy to Google it.
Anyway, they had this little quiz and slogan to fill up. And on completing that I was led to this page.
I think it's kinda mean to force one to fill up all the fields.
And of course, they didn't discount Social Media 2.0. They added it for people to tell their friends.
Here's the Facebook page. They've also got Twitter as well.
The purpose of this site is to build their customer database.
errr...Wouldn't it be easier if they had like a sign up for our newsletter and events update thingy at their own website?
Here's the Malaysia site.
Nope. No pop-up. No indication anywhere on where to sign up. Not even a link to that BMW Joy site.
I got curious. How else are they telling people about this? What if I did a simple Google search? I went and did it, selecting only pages from Malaysia.

March 14 will be around soon. I wonder how well it'll do.
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