Dec 13, 2009

Think and Grow Rich - A Review

Think and Grow Rich
I had seen this book in stores for the longest time. Never picked it up. Maybe I thought his name was strange.

Anyway, the title got quoted many times in all these financial and marketing books I've been picking up a lot lately. And one fine day, at a book warehouse sale, it jumped out at me.
And I'm glad I did pick it up. Had I read it years ago, I would not have been in the right frame of mind to accept the learnings within.
Although the book was published at the tail end of the Depression, it is still relevant and some areas do resonate with the economic events currently occurring.

This is the book that launched a zillion other books of similar leanings. The power of positive thinking, of going after your goals with persistence, all this have been regurgitated in different forms throughout the years by countless authors.
A slightly slow read as the language style is somewhat old-fashioned. It does have very good points worth taking a second, third, fourth look. 


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